Friday, January 15, 2021

It's pretty early for me to be here. But it's been what? 8 years? 

Why is this blog here anyway? I am still a health conscious writer with training and education in health, wellness, and foods and nutrition. It is my life purpose to live healthy and be of love.

I went for a run the other day. Insights from running are astounding: 

My life purpose is to love. Is that enough? I've put so many people whom I love ahead of myself. It's kind of weird. I'm an empath - meaning I can too easily pick up on other people's energy, feelings, or just something. It is not always conscious. And I have decided to guard against it.

It's kind of annoying. I can sense things before I have any conscious proof. And when that happens, if I say something it might be perceived as invasive or assumptive...but if I say nothing to respect their boundaries, I usually find out soon enough. 

Anyway, this writer is ready for change. Serious change. So the insights hare well worth documenting:

My life purpose is love.
    Love myself first now and then love others. Not in a narcissistic way, but I must pour all that love I had     for my husband into me. I'll die if I don't. Loving myself most and first.

I am Stanley's Daughter. I don't give up!
    Dad taught me to be a fighter. An independent woman, a fighter, a person who never gives up. Get back     that horse and ride. Well, yeah. This came out of nowhere, but dammit. I am Stanley's daughter!

Freedom feels so strange. VULNERABLE. Well, soon I'll turn vulnerable into EMPOWERED.
People keep saying they see something happier about me. Well, its more about being less burdened by what was a huge weight of despair, darkness, and foreboding.

Insight: Without chronic illness and depression along with other issues surrounding my every breath, the dark and heavy weight lifted, I feel happier. I feel lighter. I feel like my success can come through renewed energy. I feel like that dark cloud lifted off of me was permeating me like a vapor.

And without alcohol numbing me, these awareness's are coming faster and more clearly.


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