Hey everybody!
Are you still here?
I miss you!
It's been rather busy in the past year. I've been overwhelmed with school, graduation, building 3 businesses, and caring for my husband while I try to figure out how to heal my feet.
And that's the deal -- my freakin feet keep me from keeping on trucking.
If found some cool yoga for the feet and it's all about balls and stretching.
I'm seriously thinking that just perhaps -- just like I did nearly 20 years ago -- I can cure these bad boys and get back to a routine daily practice.
How am I going to do it?
Yoga Balls
Plantar Fascitis balls
And some extra stuff that I made up based on what worked, feels good, and adds flexibility.
How much will it cost me? No more than $35 and that's only if I buy a DVD that I saw online plus sticky balls that would add to my plastic slippery balls.
I'm here blogging because I want to know if anyone is reading this blog. I've been over at www.ramblinlambwellness.com for most of the year, and I'd forgotten this existed.
But I'm fixing to offer some help to a friend who doesn't know how easy it is to set these up. So here I am, looking for the easy solution.
I'll let ya know how that flies. For now, keep thinking Happy Feet and let me know if you are interested in my Yoga for Feet program.
See ya later, guys.