Monday, September 26, 2011

Join me on a fun journey

Here's a little reminder.
If you are interested in health ...
If you are passionate about helping others feel great...
If you want to learn about foods, nutrition, and healthy living...

And if you want to do it at a reasonable cost, with friends and support, but from your home --

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition just may be the solution you've been seeking. Why?
Rich with information, quality education, experts, celebrity star nutrition experts

Andrew Weil, MD is a world renowned expert on medicinal herbs, mind-body interactions and healing systems. He founded the Program In Integrative Medicine in Arizona, and you've probably seen many of his best-selling books. Dr. Weil is a big part of this program and has provided many guest lectures. In fact, he will be speaking at a live conference in November.

It's totally exciting to hook up with so many health passionate people from across the world. Teh webinars provide a place to talk. The online forum is active and alive. Many create study groups right in their home towns. Many others use Skype to create online discussion groups. But if you don't want to work in a group, you have everything you need to work this on your own.

If you are interested, you should jump into this right away. There is a scholarship available for you. There are payment plans as well. So check it out! Talk to me. And join me on this journey. I would be happy to help you get rolling, and delighted to have you study with me.

This coupon is only available until 10/1/2011 --- so act fast

Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Friends and Family $500 Tuition Scholarship

This Friends and family scholarship award is a gift from ___________________, a student currently enrolled at Integrative Nutrition, and it is good for application towards tuition in the Health Coach Training Program.

To claim your scholarship, call (877) 730-5444 or email and mention that your friend or family member gifted you this scholarship.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Energy of Foods

Hi friends,

I read something that just fascinated me last night. The 'Energy of Food' takes the concept of You Are What You Eat to a whole new dimension. The author talked about how people started to resemble the nature of the foods they eat. This goes so far beyond anything I've read. It makes sense though.

If this is true, then it also goes beyond what my Yoga master always said. Aadil was dead set against eating any animal. He never gave reason other than non violence. I ate zero red meat for some 25 years. I wanted a lower fat protein source. In addition, my thinking was that the adrenaline that went into the animal's blood stream as they died could not be good for me.

For all those years, I ate primarily white protein and produce with a minimal amount of carbs. Then I met and married a gourmet chef and everything changed. Over a 10 year period, I slowly packed on some 20 pounds. Part due to the stress of caregiving for chronically ill loved ones, part due to things outside my control, and mainly due to enjoying some wonderfully prepared foods both at home and at restaurants.

Finally, I had enough. I started cutting out sugar and bread, then desserts. But the foods I added and how I changed my lifestyle is what makes the bigger difference. As I sat with dear friends for lunch yesterday, I noticed that I just didn't want these things. They had sandwiches -- I wanted salad. They had wine -- I ordered tea. They wanted desert -- I was happy with one spoonful of my husband's. We've been juicing. We've been eating primarily produce for the past 3 months. I've lost 20 pounds in 3 - 4 months, but the thing is, I FEEL GREAT. The foods I cut out just don't appeal to me. They don't taste right.

Reading this concept about the Energy of Foods makes me ponder. The author says:
Rooty vegetables grown underground keep you emotionally grounded, lower your anxiety or lower keyed.
Foods that grow at the ground level, like squash, can help you stay centered.
And my favorite, foods that reach upward towards the sun and contain a lot of chlorophyll give you a lift. (make you happier) And he continues to say that he observed people seem to take on the physical nature of the foods they ate. People who eat a lot of beef and dairy start to look like cows? Well as funny as it sounds, it just may be true. Look at the obesity rate in the United States. All I know is I tend to feel a heck of a lot lighter with out beef or dairy. And I always lose weight.

I am so excited about this health coaching program. Here's why: The teaching resonates with everything i've experienced or practiced since a chile. It fits with the teachings from my parents and my grandmother. My Mom's mother was a health fanatic, so she said.

Anyway...I'm happy to talk with any of you about your health concerns. I'm looking for people who want to feel better, want to put the time into it, and are serious about it. I'll help those who really want help. There is no overnight success. There is only change.

The program is designed to lead individuals to explore what works best for them. We will go through every diet on the planet -- learn all about them, and never tell anyone that they can only eat one way. That's just ridiculous.

So my clients will never be told they have to eat only one way.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Interested in Health Coaching? Want to help?

Most of my friends are compassionate souls who truly like to help others when they can. I'm like that too. We like to help.

I have two areas where I need help.

The first is easy. If I've ever inspired you to take better care of yourself, I'd love it if you'd write a quick statement about it. Whether by example, insight, or advice, if you feel I've helped you, and you'd be willing to write a testimonial, I'd love to use it on my website and marketing materials.

The second gets a bit more involved. I need to gather health histories. It's a simple deal - a conversation about your health, your goals, your challenges....I ask questions or you fill out a form.

This gives me an opportunity to practice listening to you, and gives you a chance to experience the beginning of a health coaching session.

If you'd like to participate in this program with me, now's your chance to jump in and experience what health coaching is all about.

And since no one likes to go it alone, I am hoping that some of you would be interested in joining me on this path. If you want to become a health coach yourself, I would love to have you come along for what appears to be the best year of my life. Want to become a health coach with me, then let me know so I can get you a nice $500 scholarship.

The Beginning of the Road

Hi everyone.

Pick your niche, they keep saying. And for the past 3 years, I've tried to bridge this dam but just recently came upon the solution. I am and have always been passionate about healthy living, health, nutrition, and fitness. Well...until now, I was blind. There is a way to make this happen. Its been right there all along.

I know what I want: My Writer's Life will be focused on writing for the health market. That may include medical, but it's more about writing for people like you and me. People who just want to feel better, live better, and make their lives more fulfilling.

Beyond my writing business is a growing healthy coaching business. My intention is to build a strong practice that includes workshops, e books, one on one coaching, and study groups.

Let me back up a bit here. Why am I qualified to do this? I used to wonder that myself. It's kind of like: How do you know what you know?

I've devoted some 35 years to living healthfully. My story began when as a teen, I nearly drowned in negativity, violence, and using alcohol and drugs to escape the pain. I will always remember the day I got a powerful message: "God did not create you to sit here and drink and drug your life away. I have bigger plans for you" Yeah, it sounds corny, but it happened. I got that message while coming down from some high. That was in 1974 ...

Since then, my life studies always bring me back to this place of knowing my passion, my place, and my mission. It's also why the corporate world has never quite fit. I've worked in technology, medical supplies, aerospace, insurance, and even beverage distribution. I've always been the outsider, never quite feeling at home in these places. But talk about fitness, health or lifestyle management and I light up like an electric circuit.

I've managed a health club, taught and practiced yoga for nearly twenty years, maintained a routine fitness program for longer than that, and I've studied foods, nutrition, and health maintenance since I was a teen. I've studied massage and alternate healing, neurolinguistic psychology, have published articles on health and self care, and enjoyed the gift of caring for elders. And most recently, I've nurtured and helped an ill spouse back to reasonable health after an 8 year run of nasty gastrointestinal problems made worse by wrong meds and bad doctors.

If you are like me, you make the most of forced changes. I truly believe that many of us are blessed with opportunities to change when we learn to slow down, listen to our hearts, and ask in meditation or prayer for direction.

That is how I came to find the IIN program. It came to me when I was ready! The program itself has been around since 1992, but only recently did they create this distance learning program. And it's affordable!

I just finished my first health coaching session. As you may know, I just began formal studies from the best nutrition school in the world. The Institute for Integrative Nutrition teaches people like you and me to become health coaches and more. It's the kind of program I wish I'd found in 1985.

I knew my purpose then. I'd been awakened by my survival from what might have been a fatal skiing accident. I was in awesome shape and was an expert skier. I'm blessed that I survived at all, but I stood up and looked around knowing that things must change. I'd fallen some 900 yards, pounded against rock hard moguls as I cartwheeled downhill in an uncontrollable free fall, and finally shot through some trees, and eventually stood up to look around and wonder if I was alive.

As I recovered, I searched for the core, the root of my being. I needed to know why I survived and what would make my life meaningful. The core thread of all my soul searching always came back with: Help others build their self esteem through exercise, recreation, and healthy living practices. Help others live a balanced, healthy life. Lead others to live well and be well.

Like many others, I don't like science. Until now, I couldn't figure out how to do what I knew I was meant to do. I took jobs that met my skills but not my passions. I chased after success, but never found fulfillment.

I did a job matching profile through an online resource. I ended up with a short list of best suited careers.
The program was good except I didn't have the happy path, only the titles and no help identifying affordable training. I had no motive to return to school for 4 years when I knew the formal programs weren't working for me. But the hot list kept calling me back. The hot items for me:

Holistic Health Coach
Writer or Copy Writer
Human Development (which for me means Empowerment)
Public Relations

Here I am, several years later. It's my time to pull it all together. It works. It fits like a glove!

It's simple. The older I am the more I want to make a difference. If I died tomorrow knowing my best contribution was writing a how to guide for a server failover, or making sure a project was completed on time and on budget, I'd die without meeting my purpose.

So I begin Month ONE with great enthusiasm. I hope you'll join me as I go forward into this exciting new career.